Puzzles - which image is the odd one out?

Puzzles, riddles, brain teasers, conundrums, logic questions in pictures. You need to find a geometric figure or image that does not match the others. In these riddles, brain teasers and logic problems, all the images except one correspond to some rule. To check your answer, click on the «Answer» button located below the task. After this, the correct answer and explanations will appear. Below you can select other questions on this topic. Typically each topic has 20 questions or more. At the same time, the complexity of logical problems gradually increases. First there will be easy questions, then medium, then difficult. Try to complete tasks as quickly as possible.
Question - 14
In this brain teaser you need to mentally place circles on the top image, which consists of two pairs of centered circles of different sizes. Which of the six types of patterns on small circles cannot be obtained?
The impossible circle is marked with a frame. It is impossible to make a circle with such a pattern when placing the circle on the top picture.